
Thursday, June 09, 2005

I think my memory is fucked. I try very hard to remember things I thought I'd never forget, and as for the tiny details...
I wonder if it's possible to re-remember. Aaaagggghhhhhh.....Is all I can say.
T is having this mammoth sleep, I've tried waking him, but he's pretty unmovable. Been involved in this heavy thread on U75 which is basically about someone I used to know. And it's hard to remember all the exact details. I find it very hard on that place to be effective. I wonder if I waste too much of my time there. I guess it's better than daytime tv. And definately better than bloody housework, but I dont have enough authority somehow, and I'm scared to say too much because, well, 1) my memory really is fucked, and 2)it was an intense time, there was a lot to focus on,
and 3) I'd never want to infer that I knew everything about everyone and everything , I simply didin't. I dont think I cared much at the time, I just kind of focused on what I felt was important. Actually with RTS, it is as it always was, there is no one voice. I wonder exactly who this person is, stirring the shit. And I wonder why they surface now. What's wierd though is I was very unkeen on the person they're smearing myself, and at the time could proberbly be found mouthing off loudly in the pub about how I didn't quite trust him, but I do sort of realise that he was sound, hence find myself almost defending him. Aaaghhh.....

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