
Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Today the stitches were removed from my eyes. Ouch.
It's a bit bloody chaotic in that hospital, but I must say, every nurse I have encountered has been so professional, so caring.

I had arranged to meet my old friend Reddread and her baby son afterwards, and it was lovley indeed to be with her, but when I got home I felt kind of crushed. Like all the hearing about all the stuff 'they' (rts if you like) had been doing together, and were doing in the future, had taken its toll on me somehow.
I mean, I am independent from it and them, but I cant help but wonder if 'they' ever miss me, or if any of them wonder how ever I managed to find new friends, or in any way miss my presence.
I sound pathetic now. And writing this makes it sound as if I had actually done something anything to royally piss 'them' off. Which I hadn't and haven't. I just must of always been an outsider, even when I was firmly on the 'inside'.

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