Wednesday, September 13, 2006
It's been that long since I posted up some pictures, I forgotten how to the thing works properly...
Anyway, here's some of the Vauxhall Tribes event I went to with Ace on Saturday. (Don't even think about the car connection,, it was local and free, plus the cars they had on display were so ridiculously uncool, as to be counterproductive to their PR aims. I said they should of raffled one, and that would have made the evening really fun!)
Ace was the perfect companion, even though it wasn't really her cup of tea. She had her mp3 player and did try to listen to her own music for while, but then it got too loud. The uk scratch champions were just too difficult, but the dancing was really exciting and we stood right at the front of the stage. One troup had danced with Madonna and Gwen Steffani, and another was made up of of an age range between about 7 and 20, sweet. But the act Ace liked the best though, were the human beatboxes; Beardy man, who I'd already seen at Urban75 offline do, and two others who were just awesome. All in all a nice night out with my daughter, but my ears are still hurting three days later
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