
Thursday, December 07, 2006

Awoke at 4am this morning, already replaying yestedays presentation back in my head. It was at least a minute too short. I wondered if it mattered, for a very long time.
I couldn't get back to sleep for thinking that I hadn't got in. There were far too many people in that room, for them to accept everyone. Perhaps they'd take half? Then I starts to wonder and wish I'd asked how many places they have on the course? And why oh why didn't I have any questions to ask btw?
If I had to choose half of my group, well, I might just scrap in, but then there's the written test to consider. I abslolutely know mine was just appauling.
I don't think I've got in.
Well I finally got back to sleep some time after 5.30, and when I woke the clock was mysteriously 1 hour and ten minutes fast, which was confusing, but fortunately it wasn't too late to get the kids to school. Weird though.
So now I feel very tired, and a bit down really. There's always a tiny bit of hope of course, but overall I think my chances are slim, and I so wish I had done better for myself.

you do stress, don't you?

sorry, i would post with my blogger address, but you can't post from a beta blog to a non-beta blog. BAD BLOGGER!
Far too much.
..need to get a grip, I guess.
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